Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Michael Been - RIP

I was supposed to cover The Call for The Daily Nebraska when they played at Knickerbockers in Lincoln, NE in 2000. At the time, the band was enjoying a slight resurgence in popularity, thanks to Al Gore selecting their song "Let the Day Begin" as his campaign song. Still, even with Al Gore's endorsement, the band could only get 200 people to come out and see their show.

200. This coming from a band that scored a number one hit only a few years before with "Let the Day Begin." This from a band whose fans included Peter Gabriel and Bono. But 2000 was totally different landscape than 1987. When the band took the stage, I couldn't help but feel sorry for them. What are they going to say to each other after they load their gear in the bus?

But any pity I felt for the band was erased midway through the first song. Lead singer Michael Been closed his eyes and let out one of his soulful cries. It's a voice that's unmistakable once you hear it. Writing Been's type of music has never been "cool." He doesn't hide his Christianity, but he never resorted to preaching. He sang about family, commitment and simple joys, but the catch was that he was so sharp a songwriter that the song never resorted to cornball sentiment.

After The Call disbanded, Been did what any great father would do: he spent the rest of his life supporting his son, who is in the band Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, either through mentoring the band or even taking the ever humble reigns as sound engineer. Here's hoping any person who discovers the movie The Lost Boys will pause and track down the band who wrote that great track "I Still Believe."

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