A couple years ago, I had the joy of having to borrow my a friend's car while my car was in the shop for repairs. During that horrible three day marathon driving, I was stuck with a radio; and no CD player or mp3 input devices. I was cursed with FM stations. And out of nowhere, there was something airborne and toxic going through the frequencies. No, not Britney Spears either.
It was some type of airborne toxic event going on. In fact, it was sometime around midnight. It started with a stringed orchestra, a mellow rock sound, and an emotional vocalist with just as emotional lyrics. Oh, this was The Airborne Toxic Event and it was Sometime Around Midnight. I pulled myself over to make sure to scribble that information down when I got home. I would then spend the next couple weeks of 2008 awaiting for August to come so I get this debut album for this band.
So fast forward, the album comes out literally right before I have to be sent away for job training and while I should be looking for the last bits of what I need to travel, I am instead hunting down this album for such a small and unknown band. Finally found it and rip it straight into iTunes so I can make it portable for this long flight to Texas from New Jersey. All I can do is hope that the rest of the album is half as good as their one song.
The Airborne Toxic Event failed to disappoint. "This Is Nowhere" became one of my favorite songs and this CD would end up living in my CD player for that car for the next year and rarely would be taken out. Literally, I could listen to this album 6 hours straight and still fall in love with each time I listened.
So I present to you, "This Is Nowhere" and tell you, it's the only song I know that uses the word, accoutrements. And it also makes you question things.
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